May Jewell
Founder & Director
Native Arizonian, Alum to Gilbert High School, Mesa Community College and Arizona State University. May was the Vice-President of the Student Government for Mesa Community College where she ran the senate in charge of allocating all funds for college clubs. Getting married and purchasing a home at 20 years old, May worked three jobs while going to school full time, started a business at 22 years old and continued to pay her way through college graduating in Education, Summa Cum Laude in 2008. May has four children, was a foster parent,. Homeschooled her children for 3 years, was a Big Sister through Big Brother Big Sister and an active member in her Christian community. sold all possessions and primary residence to retire and travel North America at the age of 33. Drove from Arizona to Alaska back to Arizona over to the Florida Keys up through Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, she experienced 3 countries, 49 States, around 100 National Parks and 37 State Capitols including the US National Capitol, Canadian National Capitol and the White House. She believes that her traveling was a life changing experience that altered her position on how education should be experienced, her view of humanity, living a simple minimalist and holistic lifestyle while focusing on her priorities that would matter at the end of her life, faith and family.Â